Responding to God's Gift

Every year, a conference called Passion is held in Atlanta, Georgia.  This past January, I had to opportunity to go.  There were many different speakers who delivered the power of God's Word to around 50,000 young adults and their leaders.  One of the speakers was Louie Giglio.  When Louie was speaking, he announced that they would be giving away the new "Passion" translation Bible.  This translation was processed/worked through by a few present day, powerful theologians.  Followers of Jesus who have spent decades studying God's word.

As they called the section number, the people in that section erupted.  They were so excited to receive this Bible.  It was a select group, receiving a "limited edition" Bible.  They were the only people in the world who received these Bibles.  At the end of his lesson, he announced to a stadium of more than 50,000 people, they are going to give everyone at the conference a copy of this Bible.  At that moment, the stadium exploded with cheering.  People were so excited to be receiving this special gift.

Until Acts 10, where Peter has a vision, the Gentiles were not "allowed" to associate with the Jews.  It seems like even the Christians and followers of Jesus had some separation.  Jews and Gentiles were not supposed to be friends or even talk to each other.  In Acts 13 however, as Paul is addressing the crowds, he reveals a command God gave to his people.  He says, "I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth."

Paul presents the Gospel, revealing that it is available to not only the Jews, but also the Gentiles.  At this, the listening Gentiles celebrated.  This gift that was available to one specific group of people, became available to all.  Acts 13:48 says, "when the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord."  In the same way, the people at Passion celebrated, so too did the Gentiles celebrate.

As I think back to Passion, and spend time reading Acts 13, I am amazed by the response of the Gentiles.  They understood what was made available to them.  When they found out this gift was for them, they celebrated and followed Christ.

Their celebration is only the first part of their response though.  The very next verse says that "the word of the Lord was spreading throughout the whole region."  The Gentiles got it.  It made sense to them.  They understood how deeply they needed a relationship with this man Jesus.  In their understanding, they couldn't help but share their excitement with everyone.

This reminds me of when people are so excited, they can't hold it in.  When my brother and sister-in-law were pregnant with their first child, I remember wanting to tell EVERYONE!  Even people I didn't know, it would find it's way in the conversation.  In the same way, the news of Jesus should bring us so much excitement, that we can't help but tell others about it.

I am filled with so much gratitude, because of what Christ has offered me.  Even though I am only partially Jewish by heritage, it doesn't matter.  Jesus came, so that all might be saved.  He doesn't want anyone to perish (1 Tim 2:4).  Jesus coming and dying on the cross, brought the greatest unity between two groups of people who seemed so far apart.  The focus is not on who the people are, but on who the gift is.

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God offers us a very special gift.  One far greater than a special specific translation of his Word.  He offers us a relationship with him.  Red, yellow, black, and white, they are precious in his sight.  Jesus loves the children of the world.

How well do you understand the gift God has given you?  The Bible says to be prepared and have an answer, in case someone comes to you with questions.  Are you moving toward growth in knowledge and faith in Jesus Christ?

May your body be a fountain, beautifully flowing for all to see.  May the fountain be our joy flowing for what you have done for us.  Give us an excitement for you that is so great, that we can't help but tells others about what YOU have done for us.  Bring a unity among your people, so others might see, that we are your disciples.



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