I am my own God (10 Commandments)

Currently, we live in a world filled with video games, sports, pop culture, music, art, movies.  You name it, we probably have it.  Growing up, video games were becoming more and more popular.  I would excitedly await the release of the new Madden or MLB game.  When I wasn't playing sports on the PlayStation, I was either watching it on TV or playing it.  My brothers and I would spend hours in the backyard playing sports.  We would bowl on Saturdays, Baseball in the evenings.  Every year my family goes to a different baseball stadium for our vacation.  My grandparents would get tickets to see the Brickyard 400 (NASCAR racing) and the Indy 500 (Indy Racing).  We would go every year.  Though we weren't always playing sports, we were regularly doing something involving sports.

Many of those things we did were good things.  My brothers and I spent hours together enjoying wiffle ball in the yard.  Many of these experiences and events created memories for our family to look back on.

I am not saying that doing the things my family did was wrong.  What I do want to point out is how much time was committed to these activities, how much energy was dedicated to doing these things, and who these activities were for.

When I look at the first commandment, it states quite clearly what the expectation is.  We are to have NO other gods before the Lord our God.

By definition, a god is "a person or thing of supreme value."  It is someone or something we put above everyone/everything else.

Between sports, school, relaxing at home watching TV, I didn't have time to spend anywhere else. I would go to church on Sunday mornings.  Starting in Junior High I was even involved with a small group.  It would be a lie to say God wasn't part of my life, but was He really the God of my life?

Looking back, I see more clearly, different gods that have come up in my life.  Nearly always, it stems down to the same root.  My biggest god is often myself.  When I make decisions, the purpose of my choice is to bring joy, happiness, and comfort to myself.  Me, me, me.

Over the past decade, I've had the privilege of working with Junior and Senior High School students.  As I look at their lives, I can see the same fight coming through many of them.  Some of them will come to church on Sundays and even small group during the week.  When it comes to their lives, like mine, didn't match up with what God's Word said.  Many of them admit that the Bible isn't something they read.  How can God be our God, if we don't know who he is?

Though time has gone on, the struggle hasn't changed.  Until at least high school, I never spent time with God myself.  I never really read His Word outside of listening at church.  I never truly understood what it meant for God to be the LORD of my life.  It would go in one ear and out the other.  My heart never heard a word of it.

In some ways, I am just now beginning to understand.  In order for God to take His rightful place, I have to surrender.  It is a Kingdom vs kingdom battle.  It isn't just about going to church or reading a book.  It is about fully surrendering to the Way of truth.  Whether we play sports or music or anything else is besides the point.  What really matters is that we are doing it for God's glory, not ours.  Easier said than done.

Paul gave up everything.  He says of all people, if God isn't who he says he is, then we (Christians) are to be most pitied.  We would be like sheep without a shepherd.

Paul says if anyone has any reason to brag, he has more.  He was the Jew of Jews.  Highly looked upon.  The most "popular" kid in school, so to speak.  He gave up his way that led to worldly fame and popularity.  He became the most hated person by the Jews.  Paul stepped off the throne of his life, and surrendered to Christ.

I am learning to step aside and let God take control.  I don't want to have supreme power in my life anymore.  Jesus says to count the costs before making your decision to follow him.  Know what it will cost you, then choose.  (Luke 14:25-34)  Are you willing to give up EVERYTHING?  What do you need to give up, allowing God to be god of your life?

"But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living.  But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."  (Joshua 24:15)


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