You Be You, I'll Be Me
In late elementary school, into junior high, and even early high school, I spent many days being mocked, teased, and in one case, threatened by my peers. Whether it was what I wore, my size, or even something as simple as how I carried my books to class, certain people always found a way to make insulting remarks towards me. Getting made fun of played a big role in how I viewed myself, especially in Junior High. I knew I was different, and didn't fit in. In 7th grade, I spent the year learning about how other people thought of me. That became what I took as truth in my life. The ways kids mocked me, became the center of how I viewed myself. It is where I took my value. The next several years, I spent as much time as I could, trying to be like others. I wanted to fit in so much, that I would try and change who I was to get people to like me. As I continue getting older, I still see those same lies coming back to me from middle school. ...